There’s nothing wrong with delivering pizzas or waiting tables to help pay your college tuition.
But, if you’re looking for a way to ditch the uniform and the set hours, try one of these weird ways to make extra money in college…
1. Buy & Resell Textbooks
You’re probably already selling back your textbooks at the end of the semester, but here’s a way to take it a step further…
Bookmark a buyback price comparison site like and then start hitting the garage sales, library sales, and campus book store sales in search of cheap textbooks that can be resold on the internet.
When I’m at a garage sale I like to have the site pulled up on my smartphone so that I can check out a textbook’s potential profit margin if I were to buy it and resell it.
2. Sell Your Video Game Accounts
If you’re a gamer, try selling your accounts on gamer forums and auctions sites like Ebay.
There are tons of games like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and League of Legends where players can make big bucks selling their accounts, virtual gold, and virtual weapons online. One man even recently sold his Steam gaming account on Ebay for over $1,000.
3. Get Good Grades
We all know that good grades lead to scholarships, but check with the Dean of your college for extra incentives that your school might have. Some schools offer automatic cash bonuses to students who maintain a good grade point average for a certain number of semesters.
You should also check out which incentives students into keeping up their grades by paying them. The website works by allowing college students to invest money in their future academic performances. If you make your grade goal, Ultrinsic will give you interest on your investment. They will also give you up to $2,000 bonus for maintaining a perfect 4.0 throughout college.
4. Audit a Liquor Store
Believe it or not, college students are very much in need to help conduct liquor store audits around the country. Companies like TrendSource and Corporate Research will pay you to go undercover at your local liquor store. Your job is to simply note whether the cashier asks you for your ID and then submit a short report on your experience.
You usually need to be 25 or under to get this job, but you can often make $20-$30 per location audited.
5. Sell Your Notes
It might not go over so well with the Dean, but lots of kids have made money by selling their notes to absent classmates. This will only work in classes where the lectures aren’t available online, but you can probably earn $10-$20 per class if your notes are top notch. If you’ve got chicken-scratch like me, you might think about discounting them… 
Good luck Penny Hoarders!
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